Harvest Hands

Roland Weight

‘Evolving from a concept for a produce swapping station, Harvest Hands, was intended as a place where people could take excess fruit and vegetables for the benefit of the community.

Now it has been realised at Wonderground gallery and the spirit of generosity, sharing and community is achieved in a new way.

The way the hands are formed is formal with simplified facets and squared up shapes. This is a style I developed to get better presence in figure sculptures.  It also proved useful for translation into this monumental scale.

The hands are cupped in a gesture that represents gathering and offering.  Nature creates abundance and as part of nature we benefit.’

Roland Weight

Roland’s art practice is diverse and includes sculpture, realist and abstract painting, drawing, collage, community art, public sculptures and teaching.  He has received many awards and prizes and exhibits in Adelaide as well as interstate.

The Construction of Harvest Hands

Hand cut and built on site, by Mark Nacey and Marc Kittle.